We know, Quiziz is free and works great :)
With Quiziz you have a practical, personalized and reliable tool to prepare yourself for your exams, however you can get the most of your studying time with the useful functions which offers Quiziz Premium.
Let's pass that exam with Quiziz Premium!
Pass your exam at first try!
With Quiziz Premium functions you'll be able to prepare yourself better and increase the chances to pass your exam at first try.
Buying Premium functions is easy
When using Quiziz and it be shown the purchase popup, you just select functions you want to buy and follow the App Store or Google Play process. It's very simple, however here we explain it step by step.
Everyone loves Quiziz Premium! :)
Lots of users have bought Quiziz Premium functions and have won their exams.
Driving exam
“Great, it's worth it to pay for the app.”
Driving exam
“App is good, helps much to understand better. I surely recommend Premium version. Test passed, thank God.”
Driving exam
“Awesome app! Once you read the book, app is great to practice! It worth it 100% to pay for Premium!”
Driving exam
“A very useful app, helped me a lot to pass the exam at first try, I recommend it 100%, if you wanna prepare better, then buy Premium.”
Driving exam
“It worth to buy it. Great app, I have recommend it to others and everyone have been success with it.”
Sounds good! Right?
Don't think it longer and buy special functions, you can buy one or all anytime you want. There're functions from $1.99, you pay for them only once and can use them for unlimited time.
You're just one step from passing your exam with Quiziz Premium :)